Tam Boa Tu Temple Vietnamese Buddhist Temple  


  In 1975, at the end of the Vietnam war, about ten Vietnamese families came to Fresno. They were all very well educated and spoke English or French. The only work they could obtain was janitorial or restaurant work. They went to school by day and both husband and wife worked to support their families. They sent their children to school and about 85 percent completed college. There are about 5,000 Vietnamese in the Fresno area now.

They bought a house on Clark Street and used it for a Buddhist temple for twenty years. In 1995 they built their beautiful new temple on Elm Ave.
  Location: 2459 S. Elm Ave - Fresno, CA 93706   VIEW MAP >>  

Mexican Baptist Church | Japanese Buddhist Church | St. Genevieve's Church | Tam Bao Tu Temple Free Evangelical Lutheran Cross Church | Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church